Media Centre

Blood Donation Campaign 2023


PGB and Paragon Market Place (“PMP”) held a Blood Donation Campaign in collaboration with St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, Area of Johor Bahru and Hosp...

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阿克马:打造爱心社会 企业须承担社会责任


Media: China Press 中国报 Date: 26 May 2023 (Friday) Section: 时事 Page: Website            

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新山百丽宫大酒店与百丽环球集团 宴请孤儿共庆开斋佳节


新山,2023年5月13日 – 开斋节除了标志着斋戒月的结束,也是穆斯林完成斋戒一个月考验后的庆祝日。在这佳节期间,穆斯林同胞会请求亲友宽恕自己在过去一年中所犯的错误,宣扬友爱精神,也会走亲访友,欢聚在一起共享佳节喜悦。 配合此佳节庆典,新山百丽宫大酒店(Grand Paragon Ho...

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Hari Raya Celebration with Orphanage Homes 13 May 2023


Johor Bahru, 13 May 2023  – Hari Raya Aidilfitri marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. It is a time of forgiveness within the Muslim communit...

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Hari Raya Celebration with Orphanage Homes


PGB and Grand Paragon Hotel Johor Bahru hosted a Hari Raya Charity event with the orphans from Asrama Kebajikan Ar-Rayyan, Pusat Jagaan Baitul Maghfir...

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Hari Raya Celebration with Orphanage Homes



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Contributed goodie bags to 150 residents for Hari Raya Aidilfitri preparations


PGB contributed 150 packs of goodie bags to the people in need of Kampung Melayu Majidee and Taman Suria during the Donation Presentation Ceremony in ...

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The Hennessy X.O Circle of Excellence Reveals 5 Trailblazing Pioneering Members

hennesy xo

Media: Robb Report Malaysia Date: 17 January 2023 (Tuesday) Section: People – Drink Page: Website            

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百丽环球集团送暖 为老人院大扫除


Media: Sin Chew Daily 星洲日报 Date: 14 January 2023 (Saturday) Section: 大柔佛社区报 Page: 06            

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CNY Gotong Royong at old folks home


PGB organised a visit cum “gotong-royong” programme in conjunction with the Chinese New Year (“CNY”) celebration at the Rumah Orang Tua Pe...

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