Archive for category: CSR

Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration 2024

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PGB and Grand Paragon Hotel Johor Bahru hosted a Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration Event for orphans and underprivileged individuals from Amitabha Ma...

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Foon Yew 111th Anniversary Golf Tournament

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-12 at 10.43.11 AM

PGB proudly served as a Bronze Sponsor for the Foon Yew High School 111th Anniversary Golf Tournament. This significant event was held at the prestigi...

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“Fun Run & Fun Ride” Festival Community 2023


As the main sponsor of the “Fun Run & Fun Ride” – Festival Komuniti 2023 event, PGB proudly contributed to the success of this vibrant community g...

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PGB sponsored “Let Love Move” charity run


As one of the sponsors of the “Let Love Move” charity run, PGB contributed by sponsoring 20 tickets, totalling RM1600.00, for the event organized by t...

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PGB 10th JBCCCI Annual Golf Tournament


PGB proudly sponsored the 10th JBCCCI Annual Golf Tournament 2023 for the second year in a row. The event was organized by the Johor Bahru Chinese Cha...

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Blood Donation Campaign 2023


PGB and Paragon Market Place (“PMP”) held a Blood Donation Campaign in collaboration with St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, Area of Johor Bahru and Hosp...

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Hari Raya Celebration with Orphanage Homes


PGB and Grand Paragon Hotel Johor Bahru hosted a Hari Raya Charity event with the orphans from Asrama Kebajikan Ar-Rayyan, Pusat Jagaan Baitul Maghfir...

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Contributed goodie bags to 150 residents for Hari Raya Aidilfitri preparations


PGB contributed 150 packs of goodie bags to the people in need of Kampung Melayu Majidee and Taman Suria during the Donation Presentation Ceremony in ...

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CNY Gotong Royong at old folks home


PGB organised a visit cum “gotong-royong” programme in conjunction with the Chinese New Year (“CNY”) celebration at the Rumah Orang Tua Pe...

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Donated RM10000 to the Southern UC Education Fund


In conjunction with the 47th Southern UC’s Anniversary cum fundraising dinner, Paragon Globe donated RM10000.00 to the Southern UC Education Fund for ...

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